Baner Informacyjny

Zapraszamy na spotkania klubowe:

 - w czwartki od godz 17.00 - SP3ZHP             Wolsztyn, ul. Drzymały 2          w piątki od godz 17.00 - SP3PWL   

Częstotliwość klubowa 145.225 FM                   <---->           Przemiennik SR3WT 439.325  CTSS 110.9


 The Parowozownia Wolsztyn Award


  1. The Award is issued by the Wolsztyn Amateur Radio Club SP3PWL

  2. The purpose of the Award is to promote the Wolsztyn Locomotive Shed: , ;

  3. The Award is available to amateur radio operators and SWL’s;

  4. To obtain the Award, Polish operators must make one QSO/HRD with the Wolsztyn Club Station SP3PWL(mandatory) and three QSO’s/HRD’s with the following Club members: SP3HD, SP3BLK, SP3DWH, SP3GAD, SP3OSR, SP3RAO, SP3RBQ, SP3VPA, SQ3DVQ, SQ3JPV, SQ3REA, SQ3REB, SQ3SW, SP3IPA, SP3MK, SP3SRS, SQ3K, SP3QDM, SQ3M, SQ3SM, SQ3EVW, SP3IEG, SP3QKZ, SP6JBF, SQ3GJS, SP3TYF, SP3JHK, SP3EMA, SP3PW, SQ3IOE, SQ3GNG, SP3RP, SP3AA, SP3OLO, SQ3BW, DH2UAI, SP3TNT, SQ3XBD, SP3DZU, SO3QKZ, SP3DAT, SQ3PA and SP3ZHP i SP3MEM 

  5. Foreign stations: one QSO/HRD with SP3PWL and one with a Club member;

  6. Any band, any mode;

  7. QSO’s/HRD’s made from April 25 to May 5, 2024, will be valid;

  8. The most active operator will be granted a surprise award;

  9. The electronic (pdf) Award will be sent by e-mail free

  10. Send your log extract to: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.,  on before May 15, 2024.